Jumat, 19 September 2014

smurfette's sweet tooth 

Plot Summary

Every Smurf is gathered around Greedy's house in anticipation for what he's been preparing, as Papa Smurf explains to Baby: the annual creation of his smurfberry candy. While most of the Smurfs await with baskets, Brainy shows up with a big cart, expecting to get "his share", but all he gets are looks of disapproval from his fellow Smurfs. Papa Smurf tells Brainy that each Smurf gets his equal share of one candy for each day of the year. And then withHarmony's announcement, Greedy comes out carrying a big pile of smurfberry candy on a tray, testing out one of them and jumping for joy at the incredible taste. The Smurfs all line up to get their equal share, but when Greedy tries to offer Smurfette one extra candy, she politely refuses. Brainy tries to accept the extra candy that she refused, but instead he gets flung out to the village limits.
Alone in her house with her smurfberry candies all in a bowl, Smurfette enjoys one of them and is tempted to have another when the Devil Smurf pays her a visit, but then Angel Smurf also appears to say that if she did, she won't have enough candy to last her all year. The Devil Smurf defends Smurfette's desire to have more candy, saying that she does have enough for the whole year. And so Smurfette takes one more piece of candy...and then later she takes another...and then another later on...and then one more piece sometime later...and then when she places a vase of flowers next to the bowl, she realizes that she has eaten all her candies in a single day. Angel Smurf appears to console her, telling her she hopes she has learned her lesson. Devil Smurf appears to say that her friends have candy and that she should get some more from them. Angel Smurf says that would be shameful for her to do that, but Smurfette agrees with Devil Smurf and so decides to pay her fellow Smurfs a visit.
So Smurfette ate the first smurfyberry candy for the day...
...Then she ate some more...
...And some more...
...Until finally she has become full...
...And now even her friends turn to candy!
In the end, Smurfette has literally got a taste of her own smurfy medicine after that "sweet" adventure she had.
One of the Smurfs she goes to ask for more candy isPainter Smurf, who is busy painting a still life of a pot full of smurfberry candy. However, Painter tells Smurfette that he has eaten all of the candy already and all he has left are fond memories. (After she leaves, though, Painter reveals that he has hidden his pot of smurfberry candy inside his painting.) After a few more visits that turn out to be failures, Smurfette decides to go ask Papa Smurf for more smurfberry candy, but when she enters his laboratory, she finds out that he isn't there. Angel Smurf tells Smurfette to forget about the candy, but Devil Smurf tells her that Papa Smurf must have hidden his candy somewhere inside the laboratory. Smurfette is directed to look under a big pile of books, but when she pulls out one of the books, the rest fall right on top of her. Devil Smurf shows her something on a page of an opened book that catches her interest: a spell for The Smurfy Touch. Angel Smurf tries to warn Smurfette about the spell, but Devil Smurf silences him and tells her to recite the words of the spell so that whatever she touches can be anything she wants, including smurfberry candy.
Eager to fulfill her desire of having more smurfberry candy, Smurfette recites the strange words of the spell, followed by "I don't presume to ask too much; just please give me The Smurfy Touch". And soon with an explosion, she wonders if the spell works. Devil Smurf tells her to just say what she wants to use The Smurfy Touch to turn something into, and Smurfette says smurfberry candy. She tests it out by touching one of Papa Smurf's books, and instantly it is transformed into a pile of smurfberry candy. Happy that the spell works, she goes forth to touch more things in Papa Smurf's laboratory, turning them also into smurfberry candy. Smurfette skips outside and finds Farmer's cart full of rutabagas, and with a touch turns them into smurfberry candy.
After a while of eating things that have been turned into smurfberry candy, Smurfette feels her stomach getting full and decides to go in her house to sit down on a chair to rest. However, the chair she touches turns into candy, which makes her realize that she now has to get rid of The Smurfy Touch. She leaves her house, which also turns into candy, and runs off to find Papa Smurf. She finds Brainy, who is now out of smurfberry candy and is wondering where he can get some more, and tells him she's got a problem. Brainy is more concerned about his problem of finding more smurfberry candy, which Smurfette says she'd be willing to give him every last piece of smurfberry candy she has. Brainy extends his hand to Smurfette, eager to accept her offer, but the instant he touches her hand, he gets turned into a Smurf sculpture of smurfberry candy. Now seeing that she is a danger even to her friends, Smurfette decides to leave the village.
Papa Smurf returns to his laboratory to find out somebody's been using one of his spellbooks, particularly the one with The Smurfy Touch spell, seeing the things inside that have been turned to smurfberry candy. He rushes out to find who's the Smurf that used the spell, and sees that Smurfette's house has been turned to smurfberry candy, which makes him realize that it was her. A group of Smurfs have gathered around what they think is a Smurf candy sculpture made by Greedy, but Papa Smurf sees that it is Brainy who has been touched by Smurfette while she has The Smurfy Touch.
As Papa Smurf explains to his little Smurfs what The Smurfy Touch is, Gargamel is out in the forest with his cat Azraelcollecting crab grass which the evil wizard says will make a wonderful souffle, a sentiment that Azrael doesn't share. As the cat follows his master around, he sees a tree that has been turned into the consistency of candy which has attracted his attention as well as Gargamel's. The wizard plucks a candy from the tree and sniffs it briefly, realizing that it is smurfberry, a flavor that he detests. But from this, Gargamel realizes that wherever there are smurfberries, there are bound to be Smurfs nearby.
As Gargamel follows the trail of trees and shrubbery that has been turned into candy, he hears a sobbing female voice nearby. It is Smurfette, who now can't stand the sight of smurfberry candy, even as more things that she touches turns into candy, and is now hunkering for something real to eat instead. Gargamel swoops the net down to capture Smurfette, saying that she will make a tasty dessert for his dinner that night. As he takes the maiden Smurf home with him to dinner, Smurfette realizes that she could use The Smurfy Touch to help her escape and so touches the netting to turn it into candy, slipping out and making a run for it. Azrael spots Smurfette escaping and alerts his master, who also joins in the pursuit.
As Papa Smurf and his little Smurfs go out into the forest to find Smurfette and see evidence of The Smurfy Touch in action, Smurfette finds herself tiring out trying to escape her pursuers. She reaches the river and crosses over the log to join her fellow Smurfs on the other side, but as Gargamel and Azrael also start to cross over, Papa Smurf tells her to use The Smurfy Touch on the log. She does, and the entire log turns into smurfberry candy, which crumbles underneath Gargamel's feet, sending him and his cat into the river. The Smurfs run back to the village, leaving Gargamel ranting about how much he hates the Smurfs.
Back in the village, Smurfette is subject to a machine that feeds her spoonfuls of a terrible-tasting antidote that she has to ingest for a whole hour so that she could be rid of The Smurfy Touch for good. Angel Smurf appears to tell Smurfette that he will always be with her to help her avoid trouble, but Devil Smurf appears to tell her to stick with him and she will go places. However, Devil Smurf gets scooped up by one of the spoons of Handy's antidote machine, which makes Angel Smurf and Smurfette giggle, with the Angel Smurf saying that we always get what we deserve.
Soon with Smurfette back to normal, Papa Smurf uses a magic powder to restore Brainy back to his normal Smurf self, which makes the others cheer and Smurfette glad to see him again. Brainy wishes for Smurfette to express her gratitude by giving him some of her smurfberry candy. The other Smurfs respond by hurling him into a big pile of candy that has been gathered up in a cart.

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